Using Mycloud to stream to Chromecast

I have a WD Mycloud and I am trying to stream to my TV using Chromecast. I can connect to Mycloud from my Samsung Tab A with no problems and play movies. Using the tablet I can get Chromecast to show pictures and music from the WD Mycloud on the TV but it will not stream any movies.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should try next to view my movies?

What app are you using when you attempt to cast video to a Chromecast? The WD My Cloud for Android app?

What format is the video file in? MP4, MKV, AVI, etc.?

I cast video (MP4) using the WD My Cloud for Android app. First (see the yellow highlights in the images below) I select the cast icon at the top within the app and select the Chromecast I want to cast to. After selecting the Chromecast the cast icon should change. Next I select a video file, which displays a dialog box where one has to select what to play the video in. I select Chomecast. At which point the mobile device casts the video to the Chomecast.

Thanks for the info Benner.

For some reason my Galaxy Tab A will let me choose my Chromecast device and then a Western Digital message comes up on the TV screen but when I go to the next step it goes straight to a default player so I am unable to choose Chromecast. I have been unable to find a way to change this. I have Android 6.0.1

The files that I am using are a mix of MP4 and AVI files.

Generally there are two ways to clear the default application that gets launched by Android when selecting a file.

To reset the default player setting for all apps:
Go to the Settings>Apps> then select the menu option upper right and select Reset app preferences then select Reset apps.

To clear a specific app as the default app:
Go to Settings>Apps>[select app]. Scroll down the information for the app to the Launch By Default section/option. If that app is set as a default application one can press the Clear Defaults button so the app is no longer set as the default.

Thanks very much for your help and I have it working now. Would you happen to know how to do the same thing using an iPhone or iPad?



Don’t know as I don’t have an iOS device. Perhaps others can chime in.

But I would assume one could simply install the WD app to their iOS device and check if there is a Chomecast icon within the app.

The thing that confused me about Android default apps is that to clear them, you don’t clear default apps of the calling app, you clear defaults for the app being called. Which seems the wrong way round to me…

Yes it is the wrong way around. There is no central location/page to access to clear one particular program (like there is With Windows 7/8.x/10) instead one has to either clear them all or dig through the app list to find the one app then clear the setting (if the setting can be cleared).

Thanks Bennor

My android devices are working well thanks for your help

I will keep searching for the IOS info.



The iOS devices don’t have user set a default app. Just select the app you want to use to play media. I only use one iOS app that can cast to Chromecast to play my media and that is File Browser. There are others, tho.

Thanks for the suggestion Mike.

I am having another problem with my Galaxy Tab A now. I can’t get the cast icon to appear in Mycloud. It was working fine yesterday but today it has disappeared.

Any suggestions anyone?



All I know is folks with Galaxy Tabs have a lot of issues like you have. Search the forum for posts about them.

For some strange reason, on my Motorola Droid Mini smartphone the Cast icon sometimes becomes unavailable within the WD app. What I normally have to do is exit out of the WD app, then turn off WiFi on my smartphone wait a few seconds then turn WiFi back on. Then launch the WD app again at which point the Cast icon becomes available again.

What WD “app” has a Chromecast cast-icon? I sure don’t see it in the iOS My Cloud app. I do see it in the FileBrowser iOS app I have installed on phone and pad, but then Chromecast is a feature of FB app.

The WD My Cloud for Android has it. See my post above with screen captures where I highlight (with a yellow box) the Cast icon in the first screen capture.

I don’t have access to an iOS device so as I mentioned above, so I don’t know if the iOS version of the WD app supports Chomecast.

Do you have to connect to the Chromecast first? I’ve just installed the latest WD app on my Android tablet, and i dont see a CC icon. Come to that, if I select a .ts file, and try ‘open with’, it tries to download it, even though I have apps installed that will play .ts files.

I wonder if CC support is provided by Android, and my old 4.2/4.4 Androids don’t have it.

<sigh> Just had to uninstall and re-install on my media box, as it was claiming some network error (906?). There’s no network error, and re-installed app connects just fine…

My smartphone is 4.4.4 Android.

the iOS phone and iPad apps do not have built-in cast icon for My Cloud app. It is about time WD added that feature though.

Chromecast has been a feature for the SEAGATE similar app called SeagateMedia for over a year!!! Get with the program, WD!

Thanks. Bennor
It just suddenly came back. Dont know what I did.
I will try your suggestion next time it happens.

Dear Bennor
Dear All
after choosing chroamcast from the list of “open with” I see the file name on the cast screen trying to open the file but after that closes directly and appears Western Digital on the screen , on my Android app “My Cloud” it opens the window of casting controllers and keeps loading and loading and got nothing at last.

My passport wireless has no access password
Everything with last updates
I tried to cast from three different Android devices , same results
All devices, chroamcast, WD passport are on the same WiFi network

I do not know what to do please help