Here’s my situation: I have 2 desktop windows computers. My first PC (running Windows 8.1) has successfully installed WD Sync. The program created on my cloud device the directory “/David/WD Sync/”; and I’ve now copied some files to this directory.
I’ve just installed WD Sync on my 2nd PC (Windows 10) - it has created on my OS Drive the directory “C:\Users\Owner\My Cloud”, and it appears to have linked correctly with the cloud device’s directory (“/David/WD Sync/”). The trouble is I DON’T want the destination folder (currently “C:\Users\Owner\My Cloud”) to be located on my OS drive (it’s too small). I want it to be located on my drive F at “F:\My Cloud”.
Now I’ve gone to the WD Sync settings (from the Windows Tray menu), but I can’t change the destination folder - I can only add a new folder. And if I add a new folder (such as “F:\My Cloud”), it gives me a choice - either “Public” (not what I want) or “David”. If I click on “David”, it shows “WD Sync” in the right column, but it’s greyed out and I can’t select it!
So what do I do here? It’s pretty frustrating because it’s already trying to copy all the files onto my OS drive (I’ve paused syncing).