Same problem here on PR4100
I have same problem. any news?
I have PR4100.
I tried to logoff from cloud and now i cannot enter
Same issue here My Cloud EX 2 Ultra
Has anyone checked,
According to the user guide, disable cloud access; you should find the “Cloud Access” under the general tab of settings:
You must have that toggle “ON” before logging in with your email and Web Access password. I have noticed this menu is not available to me (after disabling it).
WD documentation lists instructions on how to re-enable:
However, that link is a loop back to this same page.
WD: Please publish instructions on how to re-enable cloud access after it has been disabled.
I have the same issues with my 2 PR4100s. It is “stuck” on updating. This is obviously a WD Cloud issue and not on everyone else’s end.
Experiencing the same issue I had disable it for something today and now I can re-enable it just shows ‘Updating’ and eventually returns to the login screen.
I have tried a few things but seems I’m not the only one with this issue.
Thanks for the post @cat0w the status tells the story
Same problem here. Tried everything, also pwd reset, reboot and so on. Nothing worked.
Opened a ticket to support, no reply for the moment.
If someone has news, pls update others.
@NetFox what WD device are you experiencing this issue with? Kindly keep us updated once they will reply your ticket please.
For everyone’s sake: few hours earlier today the status page indicated everything green (looking at OS5’s section), but now it reports a red in the proxy section…
same here
I have the same problem, it needs an urgent solution. Because I use the product institutionally. I need to make a presentation abroad. When I sign in, it updates and hangs. EMERGENCY SOLUTION.
exactly same problem for me
Yep, same here. Hoping for someone posting here once it’s resolved.
Yea I have the same problem
Can you be more specific how you’re accessing your My Cloud by LAN? I have directly hooked up the my cloud to my laptop via ethernet cord but I still can’t access the content…only the dashboard.
For those who want an easy access solution… You can open the My Cloud device and remove the HDD(s) (see youtube video specific to your device. Plug the HDD into a plug and play compatible enclosure that supports your size of HDD. Download Linux File Systems and you can use the 10 day trial period without ANY restrictions. After opening Linux File System, there are 3 options Unmount, Verify and Format. Next to Format, there is a 3 dot setting. Click it and it says Open in File Explorer. Doing so opens File Explorer and you can see ALL your files and view, download, etc just as if you were using your My Cloud device. May not be the best option but at least I can access my content now.
They’ve also posted a notice on the MCH sub forum: 01/25/2022 - My Cloud Home Offline Message
That option is not available on my PR4100 either