Can't access my mycloud drive, blue blinking light

One can try the following that is part of a second generation single bay My Cloud unbrick directions. It will require a USB flash drive and the following file.

1. Use any USB Flash drive, format it to FAT32 (Important!)
2. Unpack usbrecovery.tar.gz to this drive (You will get "boot" folder and 4 files inside)
3. Plug this USB drive to WD MyCloud, turn on power. Wait yellow-red (blinking) light.
4. Connect via Telnet (Search IP in your router, unde DHCP section.)

If one can connect successfully using Telnet then one can try running the code:

e2fsck /dev/sda3
reboot -f

If Telnet or SSH do not work. Another option, if one has a single bay/single drive My Cloud, is to remove the My Cloud hard drive from it’s enclosure and connect it to a computer that is running Linux or is running a Linux boot disc/USB flash drive. One can use a powered USB to SATA adapter or similar to connect that hard drive to the computer. Once connected to the computer running Linux one could then run the ‘e2fsck’ command (adjusted to the correct mount point) previously mentioned up thread on the hard drive to see if it can fix the problem(s) with the drive.