Cannot reconnect to My Cloud

I’ve had a My Cloud for a short time now, and managed to setup with little problem, but then after not connecting to it for a while I had to go back through the install process to reconnect over my home Wi-Fi.

I have since uploaded all my photos etc. to it.

Today I tried to reconnect using the “WD My Cloud Public Share” short cut, but I just get an error saying it cannot connect, I also cannot connect using my browser to the “WD My Cloud Dashboard”

I can connect using my iPhone/iPad and the “WD My Cloud” shortcut, but this is not great for adding / moving files.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.


There’s a possibility that dynamic ip address has changed…there are tools on WD Support that might help you discover your network topology. WD Support  look for My net view and wd discovery

Excellent Pete, many thanks!