Grateful if anyone can help, I set up my 4gb My Cloud NAS and all was well, tried to log in today and all I get from the website is Cannot connect to WD My Cloud, drive is showing a solid blue light and I can access my music through my Bose app, but unable to log in on My Cloud website
Where did you find a four gigabyte My Cloud device? I have a four terabyte.
Are you going to ?
What devices and operating systems do you have? Example: I have Desktop, Windows 10 with all updates.
Hi sorry 4tb!!, I’m using a desktop with Windows 10 with all updates.
Hi again, I am going to, log in but keeps saying ‘Cannot connect to WD Mycloud’. When I click on the WD My cloud icon(left) it says ‘WD My Cloud offline’, but it is connected to router and accessable through the My Cloud phone app.
Are you away from your network trying to connect?
No I am at home
What shows when you open File Explorer>Network? It should show up as a Computer, Media Device and Storage.
Hey it is showing as WD My Cloud, I double clicked it, went through a few questions and now have access to this info
Under Cloud Access you want to make sure that is on and connect your devices. Set everything up here in the Dashboard.
Here is a link to the User Manuals, both generations of My Cloud, in case you don’t have it and more information.
Brilliant it now lets me log in at My, thank you, hopefully thats sorted now!!
Could I ask what steps you took as I am still unable to remotely connect to my device? Please nobody send me a link to a manual as chances are - I have been there.
A link to get to the manuals has already been posted in this topic.
I just downloaded the My CLoud app to my phone and tablet and logged in using my usernam and password, my issue was connecting my PC(upstairs) to My Cloud NAS(downstairs) I had no issues accessing through the app or from my Bose app