Can not log in to

Says the MyCloud is off line, it is not!

I know WD says no more support but they still need to let you access your folder and files.

How do this?

Accept security certificate does not work?


@RLMWD You can do what I did, place your device on your network.

WDMYCLOUD 1st Generation now on my Network only - My Cloud OS 3 Personal Cloud Storage / My Cloud - WD Community

Remote access: Have you checked the My Cloud Dashboard > Settings > General > Cloud Access to ensure Remote Access is enabled and indicates a connection? Example:

Is the email address you are using to log into the web portal associated with any User account in the My Cloud Dashboard > Users tab?

Local network access: One would use Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder to access their My Cloud while their computer is connected to the same local network as the My Cloud.