Can I use QBittorrent-NOX instead of Transmission?

Hey all,

I just bought the PR4100 and am wondering if using QBittorrent-NOX is possible? I thought I could SSH in the NAS and just install it that way, but I quickly found out it was not that easy. I am not afraid to dive deep in how to make it work, but I don’t know how at this moment.

Thanks in advance!

See the dedicated subforum for the PR series where people more knowledgable may be able to assist and where you can search for previous discussions similar to your question. This subforum (My Cloud) is generally for the single bay/single drive My Cloud units.

Thanks, I’ll have a look around that subforum and repost if I can’t find it!

you should be able to pull a docker container with qbittorrent and run it that way.
Manpage here:
Or alternatively you can post your request to network product ideas and wait eternity + one day to get it implemented.

Thanks for your reply! I discovered Docker earlier today and am currently looking in how it works and what I can do with it. Do you perhaps know if there’s anything I need to pay attention to? Stuff like if Docker is up to date and does that even matter on the PR4100?

Well, up to date docker does matter, but as the docker itself is part of the firmware, you are in the hands of Western Digital team of trained flying mokeys that handles FW updates. Read as - forget about it.
You have to only pay attention when you are linking docker container to “real” directories within PR4100 filesystem.
In your case, I guess there will be one for downloads and second for config files.
You want to make sure that:

  1. each docker container uses separate config directory
  2. user running docker container has sufficient access rights to access linked directories

Nice thing about docker is if you screw something up, you just delete container and all files in config directory and start over, no harm to the system.

Also please be aware that docker images needs to be run manually after device reboot. I believe there is some paramemeter during container creation to fix that, but I just have not got time to investigate this, I just ssh to box and docker start everything I need after reboot…

Ahhh loud and clear. I already planned shares and users for every Docker app separately so that it can all be monitored, removed if needed and given permissions.

About running on boot, I actually found this:

Which is just the reference page. But on that page it mentions:

Using the --restart flag on Docker run you can specify a restart policy for how a container should or should not be restarted on exit.

Which means that if you append --restart=always to the command it will autostart if it goes down for any reason. There are more things like on failure and never, but always is the one you’re looking for!