2 my cloud home in the same network

I have a 6TB my cloud home and a 2x8TB my cloud hiome dual.
Both in the same Network and operated by Mac computers with the latest OS.
I would like to have both visible as permanent drives in the finder but up to know I haven’t found a way to do so.
Does anyone know if this is possible?

@DFuerst As of today, the setup of two different My Cloud Home require (2) different email addresses as multi-device is not supported.

My Cloud Home Duo = homeduo@email.com
My Cloud Home = home@email.com

You’ll need WD Discovery to sign into and mount the user private space, but only one can be mounted at any given time.

That is insane!
I get that WD wants to keep ‘home’ simple, but you are saying that, by design, you are making it impossible for your customers to a) purchase a 2nd device, EVER to add to their home network (using a completely new account is not acceptable), and b) it’s in fact not possible to even upgrade or change device (unless, I suppose, you work with support to force the ‘old’ device off your account) ?!

Is that true?
If that’s the case, Cloud Home is the first WD product - and I have been a steady customer over the years - I will return and consider a really badly thought-through experiment.

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I must say that this is one of the most stupid solution I have ever experience.
How did the team think that released My Cloud Home??

In my case a thunder strike killed my 3TB Cloud Home, the PCB is dead.
I bought a new one, logged in and tried to add it. Here I am now!!
I need a 2nd account for my new 3TB?
Aren´t there any chance to remove the old and register the new one to my current account?

What a fiasko product!

@DuoData Please contact support via email and request that your existing My Cloud Account be deleted. They will need the email addressed used for MCH login.
