my upgrade box to go to os 5 is blank. I can click on it and it takes me to another semi-filled in page. I rebooted My Cloud but the same thing is happening.
Interesting…the OS 5 text that should appear in the box and setup flow are included in the 2.41.116 firmware which means the content is local to the the device and it not pulling from external resources.
Recommend collecting the system logs and sending to support before moving forward.
Hi, how do I get in touch with support. I started a chat and after 15 minutes it timed out and went away
You are not the first to experience that issue. There is another past discussion where someone had the same problem.
Before updating/upgrading to OS5 you really should read through the various issues people are having with OS5, particularly those who have the single bay/single drive My Cloud, to make an informed decision if its worth upgrading/updating. Also understand that certain features and options present in OS3 (v2.x firmware) that are not carried forward to OS5 (v5.x firmware).
My Cloud OS 5: Feature Differences Between My Cloud OS 3 and My Cloud OS 5