Wireless Pro - Copied SD card files to previous days folder

I got a Wireless Pro 2TB last week and took it away at the weekend on a photo trip.

Alongside my DSLR I was using a MUVI action cam, the DSLR gives every file a unique name so not a problem if the drive puts them all in the same folder. The MUVi however names them FILE0001,2,3 etc and restarts at 1 every time a new SD card is used. This wasn’t an issue as each day I backed up, the drive created a dated folder and copied the files.

The problem came on the last day, I recorded about 2 hours of footage in the morning and downloaded at lunch, stupidly I’d run out of cards, so confident that the MPW Pro was downloading correctly and verified the files I formatted the cards and reused for the afternoon session.

Finishing late I didn’t download the afternoon files until the following morning so assumed they would go into a folder for the following day, unfortunately though they didn’t and ended up in the same folder as the morning session which were renamed File0001-backup etc.

Any Ideas why it didn’t create new folders? Are the folders download date or creation date?
Any way to ensure that each download it put into unique folders?


Perhaps it would be best to send an E-mail to WD Support about this. You can do so in the following link:


Try to provide as many details as possible related to the situation. This will allow them to have a better understanding of how to assist.