Windows 10 - cannot access \\MYBOOKLIVE\Public


Just updated from Win7 to Win10 because I got tired of microsoft nagging me with that popup.

I can access my mybooklive with no problems using the WD dashboard, but I cannot access my files. I get the error:

Windows cannot access \MYBOOKLIVE\Public

Error code 0x80070035

The network path was not found.

I tried one registry edit solution, did not work.

I changed one network setting/permission… nothing.

How can I get to my files?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


Hi and welcome to the WD community.

We have passed this along to support

ArMak, thank you for passing this along to support.

Once support and I coordinated our call, a Level 2 support agent got it working. I tried to take notes so I could share:

First he tried uninstalling file & print sharing and client for MS networking, reboot, reinstall the services, reboot… this did not work.

He then changed a bunch of network services settings from manual to automatic. (untested if it fixed anything)

He then accessed the MyBookLive utilizing the IP number, it worked, the problem was with accessing the name \MyBookLive\Public.

He tried renaming the drive from the WD dashboard… eigther this didn’t work or we didn’t wait long enough for Windows to respond…

He then changed the TCP/IPv4 DNS settings… now it works!

I suggest trying the name change first and being patient.

