LOL… That about says it,. ‘‘Easy Cloud, just plug in the Network cable!!’’
Thank you for all your time and help too, It finally is sleeping (after turning off all that cloud type stuff I didn’t need anyways, local is fine for my archival backup needs
Ironically, it sleeps the very evening that I put 2TB of Data on it! I think filling the drive AFTER, instead of BEFORE turning off the CLOUD Server features and iTunes etc,. put it in a state where it was not making thumbnails or ? whatever it was doing for all the people with the no sleep / thrashing problems. Now its working great, I never did turn on SSH (did not want to take chance voiding warranty) SO, after all the barrage of insults I faced with ‘mephisto’ calling ME ignorant etc, turns out that SSHt stirrers solution is not all its cracked up to be, My drive is now 100% fixed without all that SSHt!
You were ignorant, in the sense of lacking knowledge.
You are also ungraceful.
As one of the ‘SSH stirrers’ who tried to help you resolve your problems, I will not be trying to help you in future.
Good luck.
I thanked you, and called you gracious even before your vicious email now.
But You Didn’t Help. Not at all, and the sSH would have been an
unnecessary waste of time,[Deleted]
You really know how to get people to like you.
He’s either trolling or insane. Where is the block feature in this forum?
Mate, I don’t even need to read of the horror story you’ve been through in trying to get someone to answer your repeated question as to “SSH - HOW!” to empathise FULLY with you. It’s almost like collusion in preventing anyone from actually understanding the process to START learning these types of skills.
Cursed Sharespace POS!
Yes, I confess I did coin that term (and I freely release it to the public domain!), and as I implied in my other post above, if this SHHt was really necessary for basic operation it would be all throughout the user manuals, and it is not. Even the manual for my particular My Cloud box (a higher end unit with lots of bells and whistles) hardly mentions it. Too bad you got so pi$$y and frustrated at other users trying to help you understand this SHHt, and too bad none of them backed off before it escalated to a fever pitch, since it is really unnecessary for basic operation.
Have to say, though, it was all rather comical as viewed from the sidelines!
Which features did you exactly turn off?
Sadly, we get people once in a while who asks for help, but are not willing to do the minimum on their part, such as:
- Read the manual
- What is term X? Google it!
If there is a term you do not understand and are not willing to research it, it means there is no interest to learn it. Simple as that. There are lots of things these devices can do, unofficially, hence WD manual does not mention them, cause they are not going to provide support for it.
And yes, SSH is a bit advanced to most users but very common on the Linux world/Enterprise Network management.
@RoldGold, if you are referring to ssh, Error, which is also shown on post #8
I don’t believe he was referring to anything he turned off via ssh, I believe he turned off settings in the dashboard and I was curious which ones he in fact turned off. I’m familiar with enabling or disabling ssh as this setting I’ve seen in the dashboard.
@RoldGold, Apologies, my bad!