I’m using a brand new, My Cloud EX2 Ultra 20TB
I bought this primarily so I could store large video files, and others could access them remotely.
I put video files on a Share, and then Share the folder to generate a link so others can view/download them. This is on the files.mycloud web portal. (Can’t find another way to do it)
The problem is some people can access and some get perpetual loading.
UK and Australia people could access, but America, Germany and Switzerland people could not. For them, it just said “Loading” - they were all using the same link.
I’ve seen that many people are having issues and there’s a “Disruption” - is this the reason this isn’t working?
I also tried to get the people to get a private link (as ideally these people will upload to the drive as well) but it doesn’t load for them when trying to register. My Cloud loads as a website, but just accessing my Drive doesn’t.
Any help appreciated, this was a very expensive piece of storage for me, and it’s not able to do what it said it could.