WDTV Firmware Update -- How can I get the last available update to load into it, now that support is over

Help! I’ve got an old WDTV media player that has been rock-solid for ages – maybe 8 years old now? About two months ago it started having problems playing AVI files, files which it has played many times in the past. I tried doing a system restart, and that didn’t cure it. Reset to factory defaults pushed the firmware back to 1.0.7, and that didn’t fix it either.

Trying to go to “Find new firmware” fails, since the page at WD has been removed. (I’ve not tried to packet sniff to see where it’s trying to go.)

I opened a support ticket and was told “no longer supported.”

Can anyone help me with this? Such as…

(a) how might I flash a firmware update into it? Can it be told to run an update program from a hard drive, for example?
(b) Converting AVI to other formats – I’m concerned that if this is a codec compatibility issue, or the sudden lack of a codec in the WD box, that a reformat of a file won’t change it. Any way to see what codecs the box thinks it has installed?
(c) Any other ideas?


Hi @notonyourtintype,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:


I have two Firmwares that I can send to you.
One is the last one made for this player, v1.03.07 and the other is v1.01.30
I have the instructions on how to both update the Firmware and roll back the Firmware.

Let me know if you are still wanting help.

Hi Oldfarter,

Yes, those two would be great to have, along with instructions, and whatever else you can tell me about what’s in each version to your knowledge.

I guess what I’d like to do reliably would be:

  1. Make a reloadable image of the firmware that’s in the box now, so that I have a known to roll back to.

  2. Then, flash each one and test it out.


I will be back here tomorrow as it is just after Midnight here in New Zealand.
We will talk more then.


I found I have these links where you can download the Firmware/Release Notes and the links also show instructions how to Install and Roll Back.

The latest Firmware Version: 1.03.07 (4/20/2016)

I have not used the player since June 2017, apart from hooking it up once a year to see if it still works.
I migrated to the OSMC Vero 4k then, and to the Vero 4K+ in December 2020. Both players are going fine. There are regular updates.
There is also a very active community, full of helpers and the owner/developer (Sam Nazarko) is there as well.



Down in NZ? Wowsers. I visited Auckland, ages and ages ago, and my wife and I have talked often of taking an extended visit to both islands; we’ve fantasized about moving there but that seems problemmatic.

Love to chat more, privately if you’d like.

Sorry, I am late replying. I just realised that I was not getting notifications for this thread and after checking, found the settings were set to “never”. I have changed them. I will PM you tomorrow as it is a bit late here and am doing other things.

My old player failed. I bought a “new” WD00AVN in a sealed box. Its firmware is 1.00.01. I found 1.03.07 fw, but it will not install. The player never prompts to install it. I am unable to dl any other versions. It doesn’t have the 10-minute skip function, that’s what I’m trying to get with a newer fw.

You seem to be very knowledgeable about this, so maybe you can help.

Update: I found the 1.03.01 firmware files elsewhere. The player prompts to install it. In case it becomes bricked, is there a way to roll it back?

@ stephm
Here is a link where you can download the Firmware/Release Notes and the link also show instructions on how to Install and Roll Back.


I previously found those links, but when I click on them nothing happens. I assumed they are dead.

I used Chome then Edge. Edge replies they “can’t be downloaded securely.”

I use Chrome & they wouldn’t download normally, I have found.
I can download them if I right-click a file’s name, choose “copy link address”, open a new blank TAB in Chrome & paste the link into the address field

I just tried pasting the link into the Edge Browser address field & it downloaded.

1 Like

That worked. Thank you. I should have thought of that myself.

could i get those firmwares by chance? cant get any of the links online working.

@ Qctopus

I moved from the media player to the OSMC Vero 4K+ (now replaced by the Vero 5). It plays everything I throw at it. Vero - OSMC
There is a thriving community & first class help, with regular Firmware updates.

I still have a couple of pieces of firmware for the WD Media Player. This is what I have:
this is the original one that came with my WD Media Player.

Latest and last one ever from 2016.

I will also include the instructions I copied previously from the WD site on how to Manually Update to NEWER Firmware and roll back To Old Instructions.

I will upload them to my mega.nz account & send you a link to download them. I will get on to it now.
Please let me know when you receive them.

I sent you a PM on the 20th Jan & you have not bothered replying.
You are just wasting my time. My offer to you is rescinded.

My apologies. I thought that was to the other person in the thread. I’ve also been traveling and away from the net.

Mike Wills
Wexford, Ireland

You are correct, it was for Octopus.
My apology if I created the impression it was for you.

Not to worry, my friend. All is good.