WDMycloud is not accessible. Local documents are available

I am using WD My cloud 4 TB personal cloud. It works fine on laptop as long as it is connected by LAN wire. But does does not work on wifi. Also when i try to accessMy Cloud on my Iphone App over home Wifi then it shows message that Drive offlline. WDMycloud is not accessible. I tried everything but the same message and i could not connect. But It works perfectly fine on cell phone data but as soon as i connect to home wifi then drive goes offline.
I tried it using in one restaurant wifi and it worked there properly. but somehow home wifi is not giving it access over wifi.
please help…

Check your WiFi router setup to ensure the WiFi is not configured for “WiFi isolation” and or “guest network”. And that WiFi clients use the same IP address range as the My Cloud.

Thanks Benner. Can you guide me on how to check the same?
I can log into my router

Without knowing the brand/model of the router all I can suggest is you take a look at your router’s administration interface and look at the WiFi settings of the router to see what the various settings indicate. You may also want to review the router’s user guide, that can usually be obtained from the manufacturer’s website, to see if there is any relevant information in the user guide.

In Settings Under Network Tab I have kept FTP access and SSH access as OFF. Is it ok or that is creating a problem in connectivity over home wifi?
I guess both FTP access and SSH were by default OFF in settings.


ok. ok.

plz explain

Those settings are nothing to do with it.

Your MyCloud is accessible via ethernet; therefore it is working. The fact that it is not accessible by WiFi shows there is a problem with your WiFi, NOT the MyCloud.

You need to check your router settings.

should be network configuration problem

  1. make sure router is set to DHCP
  2. plug the wdmycloud into your router using the LAN cable
  3. power on the wdmycloud, let it finish booting, the press and hold reset on the wdmycloud for 4 seconds, it reset the network setting to DHCP
  4. it will self reboot, wait it finish now your wdmycloud should work

Hey Bennor, That worked !!!.
WOW. I am so relieved.took a lot of time to figure out router setup. just clicked “Enable MultiAP isolation” and thats done… its working with wifi now.
Thanks a lot

Thanks. Changed router setup with disabling “Enable MultiAP isolation” and it worked.

Thanks Rubsiu. It was a router issue. Thanks forsuggestion!!