WD is happy to announce the latest firmware updatefor WD ShareSpace. For information about the firmware update, please check out the release notes.
Where can I download this file? Automated download doesn’t work. I’m not using a proxy, but Automated update answers with “>> Connection refused.” Since I’m very much frustrated with this product, not working since I bought 2 of them a couple of months ago, I appreciate your answer quickly before I freak out. (looking at all the comments in the various posts relating this product I am not the only one…
I’m also facing unable automatic update it show my firmware is up to date.
May i know where to able manual download firmware file???
If you are having problems updating the Sharespace, you will need to contact WD Tech Support for further help. They should be able to help you. You can do so either by phone or email.
To Contact WD for Technical Support
Yes? and when do you guys at support finish the job?
My assessment is that this upgrade has degraded performance of an already very slow device even further.
After upgrading from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 - network perfomance degraded from 70 Mbits/s to 25 Mbits/s. We waiting a solution of this problem!!!
Nik71 wrote:
WD is happy to announce the latest firmware updatefor WD ShareSpace. For information about the firmware update, please check out the release notes.
“WD is happy to announce?” – I guess ignorance is bliss!
After last upgrading the patient lapse into a coma!
How I can manually update firmware? Is it TOP SECRET information?
After successful update to firmware version 2.2.9 I rebooted my ShareSpace 8TB and now I cannot access to it either from web, ssh, ftp, smb. However I can ping it as well as I can see it in the list of available network resources.
Reset with the button on the back panel doesn’t help.
I have already created the corresponding support ticket. Two weeks has passed since then - it seems that technical support is also shocked from my request.
What else can I try?
Any prompt and clear suggestions would be very much appreciated, because I need my data were hold hostage…
I noticed that the range of valid custom ports has changed to 8000-8999 for HTTP/HTTPS and FTP.
Any luck fixing the problem AKazak?
I had a is similar problem too, in the end I had to send the unit back for a replacement… since then I have been VERY nrevous to update the firmware again in case there are any more problems.
I’m on firmware 2.1.92 at the moment getting transfer speeds of:
~12.25MB/s write
~11.25MB/s read
(100MB files) and this is through the basic mapped drives in windows (I think this is an SSH connection?) … I know it seems wierd that it would be slower on the read, but apprently this is not unusual.
So…anyone care to advise me as to whether I should bite-the-bullet and upgrade to 2.2.9- or just be happy with what I;ve got…I have such little confidence in the WD firmware/update process at the moment that I feel I should be thankful that its working at all!