WD Security can’t find my unlocked drive

WD Security can’t find my unlocked drive (“Attach a supported WD drive”).

I have a Password Lock on My Passport USB HDD 4Tb purchased in Nov 2017 M/N: WDBYFT0040BBK-WESN plugged directly in motherboard (no USB Hub) on Windows 10 updated.

I know the password and unlock it fine. HDD files are then all accessible no problem with drive.

I want to remove Password Lock on the HDD but WD Security (and also WD Drive Utilities) both tell me “Attach a supported WD drive” as it does not find it when I plug it or when it is plugged.

What’s wrong and please help me remove the WD lock !

Thanks !

Hi @p903pgc

Have you checked our knowledge base articles?
(Support for Western Digital Hard Drives | Western Digital)

Try this one:
(Invalid Password or Forgotten Password Message on WD Security)

Have you opened a Support Case?
If not, contact Western Digital Technical Support for assistance.
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