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so far I think WD My Cloud Home is a quite nice product for consumer market.
How can i configure SMB-Shares? There is a public, which accept any user/pass - well thats Public.
I created a Folder with the Web-App (on Linux I’m stuck with it), but i can’t access it over SMB.
Adding Users… I should invite someone to share - no I want to setup users to split access - not to share!
Pleas don’t tell me I have to use an app - what if a customer don’t have only a Linux with a browser???
You may not like my answers either, but, have you visited the Learning Center for more information on how the My Cloud Home works? You will find links there for the User Manual.
What do i need to learn?? Setting up a DMZ? Well this device works without internet. Well now this device sit in his on lite network and I can mount the public folder and setup what I want on my Banana PI…
@LinkeT Sounds like you bought the wrong device and you can’t make it do what it was not built to do! You should check out some of the other WD Devices and see if they will work for what you want.
Don’t you read? I set up a DMZ and do that SMB with a Banana-PI.
The BananaPI has mounted the share and is the only device which has Access.
Banananapi IP:s 192.168.x.y
x → 0 → lan (eth0) 1 → wlan(wlan0) 100 → NAS-NET (eth0:0)
The WD gets an IP in by dhcp, with is a static lease, this net has no router/dns config → has no access to the Internet (Devices I can’t control have to be offline)
As i said: If you do not have a solution, then don’t reply. If your in IT-business - and you don’t have a solution, your in the wrong business!
I will no longer read this community or reply any more.
@WD - this was my last buy of a product, I will no longer recommend you.
If it has smb for the Public folder (which is questionable, as I’m not seeing the public folder at all), there must be a way to use it on other folders.