WD My Book Essential stopped working - Quicktest FAIL Extended Test PASS - cannot access data

Hi all,

I just want to rescue my files from that hdd :frowning:

my ext. hdd (Western Digital WDBACW0020HBK My Book Essential 2TB) stopped working (nothing happened when connecting the power cable, no led / no hdd spin up):

  • tried different power cable, same issue
  • removed it from case (warranty already run out) and put it into pc as a second drive
  • hdd is detected in bios / under disk management (unallocated disk space) but has no drive letter
  • tested via Data LifeGuard Diagnostics. Results: Quick test FAIL - Extended test PASS
    06-Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete! Status code = 05 (Failed electrical test element), Failure Checkpoint = 99 (Unknown Test) SMART self-test did not complete on drive 1!

    What can I do?
    I Have never set a password or anything, so I guess if things are encrypted, its the standard encryption which I might be able to work around by buying a new hdd of the same kind and replacing the maybe faulty what-ever-the-name-for-this-garbage-is-encryption-adapter.
    I am currently downloading the knoppix live dvd and will try booting from that to see if I can access my files.

Thanks for your support!

Kind regards


Try connecting the drive back to the enclosure and try using a data recovery software.

Hi ERmorel,

when I do that, nothing happens, there is no led power up, nor is the HDD spinning, let alone recognized by windows, so it is not physically working, thus I cannot access it in any way when it’s in the enclosure.

Try contacting WD support for further assistance on this case.

WD Contact info: