So I connect the My Book storage with autobackup - 4 Tb drive to my WIndows 8 Pro PC and I cannot use it. It is not assigned a letter in Explorer. In Windows Action center in the system tray it tells me every day to “Restart to repair drive errors” but the problem is never corrected. I checked the drivers and there do not seem to be any updates available. The reason I purchased the drive was because the box stated “Windows 8 Compatible”. In Disk Management the drive is showing as WD My Book 1140 USB Device with 2 partitions, Online, but there is no drive letter, just “Disk 6” with 2 unallocated partitions totalling 2048 GB and 1677.99 GB, respectively. Does anyone have any ideas?
Did you try to allocated the drive and assign the letter?
Just right click on the black unallocated bar and follow the steps.
Why should I have to do this? This should be plug-and-go, like most USB drives. This does not address the cause, but is more of a work-around. I will consider this as a last-resort before returning it for one that works out of the box. This is a brand new unit.
Did you use this drive on another OS before the Windows 8? If I remember right from the beta of Windows 8 not all of the netframework versions are activated or installed and they are necessary for a lot of things to work. I think I had to enable netframework 3.5 for somethings to work.
This was never out of the box or connected to another PC. Win 8 Pro clean install. Are you referring to the .Net Framework? Where are those options for me to investigate? Thank you!
Yes .net see if this helps I didn’t upgrade to Windows 8 so don’t have it to actually look.
3.5 .Net framework was ineffective. All is as it was before, including Disk Management and Action Center symptoms. I verified that the .Net framework 3.5 options remain checked.
WD support is now communicating with me. I managed to get the larger of the partitions to work now. But the smaller 1677.99 GB partition cannot be initialized. Perhaps this is the backup software incipient on the drive? I am attempting to wipe the smaller partition to see if I can initialize and then have it accessible.