WD Live can't get ip

my mate just bought a WD live and it won’t get the IP from his router when set to automatic.

if all settings are set manually it comes up with dns error with network check, and no shares are available.

i would try rolling back the firmware as suggested to others but i am hesitant because it works at my house,

and he has the exact same modem/router as me… (Both on 100% stock settings)

any suggestions ??

Have you tried putting a paper clip into the hole close to the usb-connection?

Press with a paper clip for one second to restore the player.

I have to do that several times for solving my network problems.


My router uses DNS p**bleep**through which wreaks havoc on a lot of devices. I have a Dlink DIR655. You can either disable the p**bleep**through, or manually specify the DNS server on the WD device under Network Settings. Leave it on automatic, and just change the DNS server.

il try all these ideas next time im there and report back my findings… thanks guys