WD Elements 1TB problems


i’ve bought a couple of weeks ago the WD Elements 1TB, i’m very happy but i’ve some problems with some MKV videos:

  1. Some films are very laggy (Batman Begins, Bourne, ecc)

  2. Some subtitles don’t work correctly, in Avatar for example when they speak in the alien language the subtitles comes out like a bunch of unreadable characters, like they were wrote with a character the software dosen’t recognize

  3. Chapters don’t work for a lot of films

Many of these films were give to me from a friend that has an older version of WD player (one without internal HD) and they all work perfectly for him. I tried upgrading the firmware, changing settings for video, resolution, language, ecc but nothing…please help!!!

Thanks a lot!

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support