WD Drive Utilities stuck at 90% no answer anywhere

Good evening everyone, that is a topic that I see here and there on the web but no one seem to have a clear answer. Got a new “My Passport” external drive, tested it by transferring gigabytes of files, all the basic tests where ok. I did the extended test and got stuck at 90% for more that 12 hours. I cancelled it, started a new one, same thing happened except that after the second one the drive started to make weird noise. I stopped the test and just tried a short test like before and the drive was making a sound like morse code and it became unusable. I returned the drive with no problem, but it seems that a lot of people get stuck at 90%, and for me, being stuck there seems to have “damage” the drive. Could it just be an error in the software because there are other posts like this one and no one seems to know why it hangs at 90%.

Hi @jft_quebec,

Thanks for reporting the issue.

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:

No, all of this happened in 24H of purchase so I was able to return it to Staple. I got a new “My Passport” external drive and a 2 To internal drive from amazon. When I use “WD Drive Utilities” I could make a short test with the external drive(did not take a chance for a long one) but the internal drive was not being seen/discovered even if I could see it and use it with W10. I don’t remember how but I found " Western Digital Dashboard" and both drive were recognized and could be tested but again I did not take a chance on making a long test. The WD Drive Utilities" last update was 08/24/2020 and the WD Dashboard 11/18/2021, both drives were made in 2021, but the internal drive in late 2021. Outdated software maybe? Anyways, I don’t really need more infos or trouble shooting so I am going to close the post, still, thank you for taking the time to reply.