WD Desktop App

hi i used to have an WD desktop App looks like this:

however after i format and restore my windows 10 pc, i can’t find the app on WD support website anymore

can anyone please tell me which one is it?

i tried all of the above apps but they don’t seem like the correct one…

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WD My Cloud Desktop for Windows: http://download.wdc.com/nas/WDMyCloud_win.exe
WD My Cloud Desktop for Mac: http://download.wdc.com/nas/WDMyCloud_mac.dmg

It’s a bit weird that it no longer features in the download section of the support page, though, isn’t it?

Have WD deprecated it, do we think…? Do they want us to use the files.mycloud.com web interface instead, for all remote access tasks?

OP: bear in mind that the Desktop app is entirely unnecessary for local network access, and was really only to be used for remote access. For local access, just map the device into your operating system and use your favourite file manager.


thanks bennor and paranoia ~!
i heard that this app transfer files faster because it run the script directly from the wdmycloud
it takes ages to transfer files under one user to another using windows 10 file manager
it feels like it transfer the files from wdmycloud to the pc and then back to wdmycloud, so i wanna try the app