WD Dashboard no longer recognizes SN850X (2 TB NVME) drive

I used WD Dashboard to update my FW from a 2 TB NVME Western Digital SSD, internal drive. In this case, the SN850X model. The last firmware was the 620331WD, I updated September 12.

The problem is that my WD drive is not being detected anymore. I tried reinstalling WD Dashboard, no luck. In the internet other people reported the same issue. My motherboard is a MSI Z590-A Pro, and it’s also using the latest FW, in Windows 11, i5 11400. I noticed back then BSODs, restarting Windows randomly, updating the FW fixed for good.

Please release a new DASHBOARD version solving this problem. Mine is

If you want I can also post here the serial number.

What is this? I am using Windows 11.

Sorry, misunderstood, SSD detected by Win?

My SSD (2 TB NVME) is detected and 100% fine with Windows 11 Pro.

The issue here is that Dashboard stopped (for some unknown reason) detecting it. It’s funny because when the PC was recently formatted, it detected it, and updated the firmware. I am also using the RTX 3060, and the motherboard MSI Z590-A Pro, that one with the latest firmware.

This is what Dashboard shows to me now:

Can you show what in CrystalDiskInfo app?

This is what CrystalDisk tells me:

The S/N I removed from the image.

it seems to be ok… strange. i have the same SSD and CPU and no problem in Win11 Pro…

A quick question: why is my C: drive now appearing here?

It doesn’t make any sense to appear in the tray, since this isn’t an external device, yet it’s showing there and there is even an option to “eject” (safely remove).

The only other connected to my motherboard is the ASUS SBW-06D5H-U (external Blu-ray drive), via USB-C. And the printer, but that one is turned off now (EPSON L395).

I recommended you to reinstall/recovery windows

Wait, do you want me to format my SSDs (there is another one, 870 EVO 4 TB from Samsung, as alternative drive) and reinstall Windows 11 because the app is flawed and can’t cope with its updates?

No no no, issue a new version from WD Dashboard which address these issues.

About my last point (detecting the NVME as a removable device), this is a known bug from Microsoft, it doesn’t affect anything. There is no known fix for it. If we hit OK and try to eject, it will fail and tell the SSD (C:) is in use.

I’m sorry to hear about the issue with your WD drive after updating the firmware. It’s important to reach out to Western Digital’s customer support for assistance with this specific problem. They will be able to guide you through the troubleshooting process and provide a solution or information on any available updates. Your feedback will help them improve their products and services.

I already contacted WD, filed a support ticket and provided all the information they asked me. I’ll now wait for a response addressing this problem, since my attached logs/prints prove this isn’t my device/system fault, it’s very likely a problem with the current WD DASHBOARD version. So a future update could fix this.

It’s working now. WD contacted me by phone, and later instructed me to do this, in their open ticket:


Change the Intel/Phison controller, to “Standard NVM Express Controller”.

After restart, DASHBOARD now detects the drive AGAIN:


What they said (note: I could not follow #1, it wasn’t listed here).

  1. Check the application settings and see if there are any Phison drivers listed. If found, uninstall it. We recommend relying on the Windows NVMe controller driver. Go to the Windows Control Panel where installed programs are displayed and check for the driver.

  2. Try forcing the default NVMe driver for the device in Device Manager:

Device Manager > Storage Controllers

Right-click on the NVMe controller (may be labeled as Intel/Phison) and select Update Driver
Choose Browse my computer for drivers
Select Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer
Look for the standard NVM Express controller. If not listed, click Have Disk
Click Browse
Navigate to C:\Windows\INF
Locate stornvme.inf and click Open
Click OK
Ensure Standard NVM Express Controller is selected and click Next
Click Close
Restart the computer

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