WD 4TB Black Internal & 4TB Blue Internal reading as 2TB drives?

Hi. I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have just installed a 4TB Black and a 4TB Blue in my PC. However, they are only being read as a 2TB capacity drive? Can anyone provide some insight as to why this would be? I have a DELL XPS 9100 with all current updates and also recently updated to Windows 10. I installed the drives after the update. I am not a tech guy but know enough to keep my computer up and running. Any feedback/help would be appreciated. The drives are reading as WDC_WD4003FZEX-00Z4SA0 & WDC_WD40E31X-00HY4A0 by the computer.


Welcome to the WD Community.

It could be a Board/Bios limitation.

How are the drives showing on disk management?

Are you able to test the drive on a different computer.

Im having this same problem with a 6tb hard drive showing up as 1.5 tb. i tried it on xp and windows 7, and they both do the same thing. im thinking its mobo related but not sure?

same problem hope to found answer