Very Slow Pictures Thumbnail loading time


I am coming from Mycloud to Mycloud Home and when I open a folder that contains only picutres in windows explorer, it take a few seconds to load each picture thumnails. When I was on Mycloud, it was almost instantaneous. They are both on the same network infratructure and the folder contains the same amount of pictures (about 1k). Any advice ?



I have the same problem! Is there someone who can help? There is no any settings about thumbnails (or anything else) in wd home duo…

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any solution for that ?

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I have the exact same issue with slow loading photo thumbnails. This was very fast on MyCloud (virtually the same as loading from my hard drive), but Mycloud Home now takes a couple seconds to load each thumbnail, which makes scanning for a specific photo unworkable. Any solutions?

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Just completed a massive update and was hoping so much that this issue may have been resolved, but alas, the slow thumbnail loading remains!