XML Fetcher Documentation
This utility is used to import TV Show "Metadata" from thetvdb.com database and convert it to a format usable by the WDTV Live Hub. It also pulls the episode Thumbnails for you, too. It will generate ONE or TWO FILES for EACH EPISODE SAVED: (show name).SxxExx.xml and, optionally, (show name).SxxExx.jpg
Here's how to use this tool.
Make sure you have the Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework installed. If not, install it from HERE. To install this application, unzip the ZIP file and double click setup.exe and follow the prompts.
Step 1: Find the Series ID you want to import by surfing the website www.thetvdb.com This makes it much simpler and much more reliable than expecting this application to match the names of your files to a TV Show name... The Human is a much more reliable searcher! For this example, we'll use the TV Show "Space: 1999"
When you search for that title, the TVDB Website will indicate the Series ID is 76366.
Enter that number into the blank titled "Enter Series ID: "
Step 2: Provide a File "Basename." This utility assumes you have your files named according to the XBMC convention, such as:
So, the Basename in this example would be Space 1999. (notice the trailing ".") This is optional; you can also put a trailing SPACE in there (but it's not going to be visible in the blank, but it'll be there nonetheless.) The SxxExx portion will be added automatically.
Step 3: Select a "Save To..." location You can either press the button, and browse to the folder where you wish to save this data, or you can enter the path manaully. Do NOT provide a trailing "\". c:\my shows\Space 1999\Season 1 is correct. c:\my shows\Space 1999\Season 1\ is NOT.
Click the "Load XML" button, and the application will (hopefully) fill with all the specific information:
Correct any errors that may be displayed.
Step 4: Review the information If there were any problems in steps 1 through 3, an error message might be displayed. Simply correct any errors and repeat that step. Depending on your Internet Connection Speed, the speed of the TVDB Database, the size of the Series Database being downloaded, and other factors, this may take several minutes. You can see the current progress in the ACTIVITY LOG window. If everything was correct in Steps 1 through 3, the screen should now contain... ... a SERIES DETAILS Block that shows the Name, Overview, Run Time, Genre, Rating etc for the SERIES. This information is not editable; it is only provided to help you ensure that the correct series was chosen. ... an EPISODE DETAILS block that contains the specifics for the first episode or record in the database. This data includes the Episode Name, the date of first airing, the Director(s) and Guest Star(s), an episode Synopsis, the FILENAME PREVIEW, plus an episode thumbnail and Season Cover Art if one was available. Make any changes you wish to the Episode Details before proceeding. Note that the DIRECTORS and GUEST STARS are separated by the vertical bar symbol, "|". If you edit those fields, make sure you properly separate individual names with that symbol. Note the "File will be saved as" filename. You may change this name if you need, but it will only affect the ONE EPISODE DISPLAYED, not any other episodes saved with the SEASON or SERIES buttons. NOTE: TVDB convention puts "Special" episodes in SEASON 0, so watch out for that. Sometimes Season 0 can be quite large, and you don't want to save that data unless you actually need it.
Step 5: Choose your options
Step 6: Make your choice of how to proceed.
You can save ONE EPISODE by selecting the button marked "Save THIS EPISODE Only." When you click, the JPG and XML files will be saved to the location you specified in Step 3. You can save a whole or partial SEASON by pressing "... the SEASON" button. The program will begin wih the episode currently displayed, and then continue to the LAST EPISODE of the SEASON specified. You can save the whole or partial SERIES by pressing "... the SERIES" button. The program will begin wih the episode currently displayed, and then continue to the LAST EPISODE of the LAST SEASON. The STOP button will be activated when you select SEASON or SERIES. If you need to abort the process, click that button until it stops. It may take two or three tries.
Usage Examples: If you have your TV shows all lumped together in one folder, you should probably select the "Save To..." location for that folder, and then click "The SERIES" button. If you have your TV shows divided by SEASON, you should select the "Save To..." for the FIRST SEASON, and select SEASON ONE (or whichever season you wish) and click "The SEASON" button. Then, change the "Save To..." location to the next season, select the next season from the Episode Details button, then press "The SEASON" button again, and repeat as often as necessary. If you simply want to review all the data and make minor changes to the details, or only have a few TV episodes, using the SAVE THIS EPISODE ONLY button is probably the best choice. When you are done, you may go back to Step 1 for additional TV Series, or just click QUIT.
That's all there is to it! |