V2.3 released: WDTVHubGen - Looks up Movies, TV Shows and creates XML for the Hub

I have been seeing that error from others, not sure what is causing it.  i updated the program to include much much more logging.

just created and added a new version 1.0.4 as a zip file in (NOTE: edited with new location) wdtvhubgen.codeplex.com

can you download that, unzip right on top of your old version (overwrite if prompted) and then run it. if it works great, if not can you post the new log file.

thanks! you are all helping me figure this out, never thought it would be an install problem, thought it would be something funky :slight_smile:

Just found a weird and interesting error.  It appears that the WDTV Hub doesn’t create “well formed” XML.  the problem seems to be ampersands.  it literally puts an & in the XML when it should put in & which is well formed.  What this means is that SOME files created by the hub and attempting to read with a regular XML reader that “deserializes” and expects well formed XML will fail… what a bummer.

any programmers with hints on how to override deserialization and check for this henious error?



New version works


Ok, so to deal with the badly formed XML coming out of the Hub, i added some code to my program to find those files and not “process them” so the program thinks those aren’t valid anymore adn will ask you to process them… then it will create them itself and save them (of course now they are fully formed)

i updated the version number for this one. it si now call 1.0.5 and located in (Edited with new location) wdtvhubgen.codeplex.com

please let me know if that fixes your problem


Very cool program

is there anyway to change the runtime from 90 min to 1h 30 minutes

Interesting suggestion.  I’ll look at making it configurable. 

I don’t use tv shows on the Hub but thought i would try it and for every series i have to test i get Movie Not Found

I tried


South Park

Raising Hope

Others have said that too, can you send me a screen shot of your “get shows” list. bscially from the tv show tab.


or some of the filename of the show that wont work, it si probably a parsing problem.

Raising Hope S01E08 - Blue Dots

Californication S01E01 - Pilot

I use these With Yamj(it gets the info from TVDB also) on my Popcorn Hour and they work fine

What is the extension of those files? .avi? mkv?  do you see them in the list when you press Get Shows? if you do what shows up in the “clean file name” column?  and does the episode and season column get filled?



Sorry Jeff i meant to put the file extension

avi and mkv

Yes they do show up in the list  as

raising hope  -blue dots

and the season and episode columns do get filled

ok. updated and added a more aggressive show getter name thingy,designed to ignore everything after the season and episode portion fo the name (which thetvdb.org wont process)

(edited with new location) wdtvhubgen.codeplex.com

I’ll also update the first post.  Thanks for finding this error.

getting server not found to dowload the new version

Yikes, well that was me fat fingering the url. it had and extra http:// on it. all fixed now in both places. thanks.

This looks like a very good program. I am at work now, but very exited to try this tonight.

Thank you for the effort and for sharing this.

(I am a developer myself and did an attempt to create something like this. Off course I was too busy at work to complete it, and now… well… I probably won’t anyway :-)). So your program comes really in handy.

Looks great!

As discussed before, if you don’t mind sharing the code please make a project page for it on eg. code.google.com . Then you have immediately a bug-tracker, source control (if you haven’t used subversion yet, I don’t have a lot of experience with it either but I put two small project there a few weeks ago and I love tortoiseSVN to retrieve the code, check in/out,… works great!),…


Some feature requests after first quick check (in order of importance):

  • Search movies recursive through the subdirectories (no rocket science, but I have the code for this, it is available in the project I linked to above, so you can take the code there, of I can give it, or I can build it in…) 

  • In the list, a right-click/“Explore file path” would be practical to go immediately to the colder containing the movie.TV show) 

  • Documentation on how to name your movie/TV show files to have the best search results

  • A screen to choose the settings in the config file would make it easier to use the tool…

  • Automatic fetching of subtitles

  • Would be nice to be able to choose the language in which the meta-data is fetched…

  • Rename movies automatically using a standard (or configurable) naming convention + each movie in seperate folder or not) 

  • A trailer for a TV show would be nice (I think I have some code lying around for that as well) 

  • … inpiration comes with using a tool ;-)…

And, as mentioned before, I don’t mind contributing… your tool is a lot more advanced than mine at the moment, so it’s better to combine efforts starting from the most advanced code base…

Great list. thanks. I"ll start working on some of those features right away.  I haven’t put it in source control yet becuase of the way I develop. I use dropbox on my home computer and travel computer (I flew 195,000 air miles last year and have already flown 33 times this year) and they “share” a common development directory so I can just literally pick up my laptop and work on it while flying, when I land it syncs and i can work from home without copying and without “checkign in and out” from a repository.  hmmmm I’ll have to think about using one now, because I would love the help. :slight_smile:

The directory thing was a choice I made because I organize all of my shows/movies by genre and not by individual directory, so I have a full directory of season 4 of chuck, not a directory full of directories…    Making it recursive (or just allowing .net’s getfiles to search below directories is easy, what I will have to do is extend my object model to allow for a full path and not a relative one… easy enough, just will require a lot of testing… I’ll work on it this evening)

The feature request of “document how to name your tv show/movie” that is one of hte features that originally started this effort. I wanted a program that would “filter” all of the uploaded naming bs out of the title for me, I have almost 1200 movies and probably 50 TV series, all with ■■■■ download names that I wanted fixed.  That is why the config file has the “removewords” sections, it was a list of all of the garbage that gets removed by the filtering in teh program.  ultimately even that wasn’t enough so I added “aggressive” lookup which is supposed to just find the first two words and look/search for them.  One of my biggest complaints is that themoviedb.org has a very strict search regimen, doesn’t allow wild cards, but I recently learned it will actually allow single words, so I might play with the aggressive search algorithm a little.

Configurable naming of movies/tv shows. love the idea, what kind fo elements do you guys want? tell me now so I can think about the best way to do this (probably replacement strings like thumbgen does)

languages. yikes. ok.

a config screen… yeah, that is in the works, but surprisingly i want to make it flexible, so I will get back to you on it.

thanks for all of the feedback… love it!


Subversion, as a source control system, is actually pretty good in the scenario you explain (a you may or may not know). In subversion you don’t lock files if you check out (<> good old visual sourcesafe). Everyone can edit them (in theory) and once you want to submit it to the code base, the client campares if the server version changed since you started adding changes… if not, the check in just happens, otherwise it asks you to merge your changes in the server version with a diff tool…

So in the scenario you describe, you

  1. get the latest version on your laptop,

  2. you get on the plane and can work on any file you like

  3. you get off, check in the added files, and if no files on the server were changed this is automatically OK, otherwise merge

  4. You get the latest version on your other computer…

So it is some overhead, with dropbox you eliminate the getting of latest versions and the checking in, but you get versioning and the possibility of several contributors in return…

Now I think about it, maybe you can combine both… syncing the versioned directory… I’m not sure if it will work, but it’s worth the test because after all a versioned directory on the client is just a directory with some extra hidden directories/files that indicate the statusses of the files + configurations. If you sync all of that together… probably that will keep working…

Tommyboy wrote:

Very cool program


is there anyway to change the runtime from 90 min to 1h 30 minutes

I don’t think that’s possible.

The Hub just sees a NUMBER in the XML.


It formats it internally to add the minutes.   There’s no way to force it to interpret that number as Hours / Minutes.

funny. I did update this alrady in the new version. let me see how ti tests out :)  I dont think the hub does anything but put it on screen.