Using USB port on rear of MyCloud

Trying to upload large files (1-4 gigs) to my 4TB MyCloud. Using the wireless method on my home network takes too long. I tried to plug my memory flash drive into the rear of the MyCloud drive, but the files were not recocognized in the dashboard, the drive was but not the files. Any advice out there?

First, do not use WiFi when copying a large amount of files to the My Cloud. Connect the computer to the router with an Ethernet cable. If at all possible make sure to use Gigabit Ethernet connection when connecting via wired. Next see the following thread on copying speeds.

As to the USB device not being recognized by the My Cloud. When a USB device is plugged in and properly mounted by the My Cloud OS it should create a “Share” that is listed both under Shares on the Dashboard and is accessible by Windows File Explorer and Macintosh Finder. If the Share is not showing up, then check the USB device name to ensure it doesn’t contain any special characters. Use only basic letters and numbers, avoid using spaces or underscores just to be safe.

For some users (myself included) certain USB devices were not properly recognized and mounted by the My Cloud. When connected the Dashboard USB icon would indicate 0K for the device. In my case it was the format of the USB device, a Toshiba 1T external USB hard drive that was the cause. I had to reformat the USB device before the My Cloud would properly mount the device.

See the My Cloud User Manual,, Appendix C: Troubleshooting P.95.

Connected the computer and the MyCloud to the router and speed trippled. Thanks for the manual. As for another reply I got I will also look into the ins and outs of hooking up USB flash drives and external hard drives to increase storage space. Thanks again for the help.

Thanks for the tip. I just connected my computer and MyCloud to the router, and speed trippled. It’s still lags a bit, but improved a whole lot. I will check into the other portion of your message concerning shares and such. I’m new to all this computer hardware mixing and matching. Thanks. Last thing, do you leave your My Cloud running all the time, or do you shut it down when you go on vacation and such? I don’t want to burn my drive out. It been on since I bought it in August of 2015.

The My Cloud is designed to be left on all the time. By doing so you can access the My Cloud remotely while away from local network.

You can issue a Shutdown command via the Dashboard or via SSH. But because there is no power switch on the My Cloud one has to remove and reconnect power after issuing the shutdown command for My Cloud.

Isn’t it amazing how everything is a problem MyCloud Home device using it with Sonos music player a real disaster Also My Cloud offline No fix for that Glad you were able to sort it all out but reformatting causes you to lose all the data so you had to back it all up prior to reformatting If you had space enough to do that You probably don’t even need the My Cloud Drive I tossed mine in the trash running a thumb drive through the computer with Sonos and no problems at all

Good luck I am not good with devices but seriously this My Cloud thing is a disaster as well as Sonos music Trying to get Sonos and Western Digital to work is impossible And tech support there is no tech support I wish to load music onto the My Cloud plug it into the router and play the music Guess I am asking for to much

I was afraid to shut it down because I got a warning message you will lose all your data I can’t even access this drive at home let alone while away from home music on the phone and 3 ipods I’m golden through the my cloud right in the garbage

The My Cloud Home is a complete different device than the My Cloud line. The My Cloud Home uses a different operating system and has different options/features. If one has a My Cloud Home they should seek help in the dedicated My Cloud Home subforum.

My Cloud Home

Suggestions for fixing issues with the My Cloud line of devices may not or will not apply to the My Cloud Home.

Edit to add: See the My Cloud Knowledge Base (link top of page) for various Sonos related articles:

How to Use Sonos System with a My Cloud for Local Network Playback

3rd Party App: Sonos Message “‘song name’ is no longer available on My Cloud Home”

3rd Party App: How to Use Sonos System with a My Cloud Home

Did you ever try to do this oh let me explain In order (oh wait click here) to diagnose (oh wait click this) click this click that not one place in this whole company other than open box plug in ethernet cable plug in power cable is there a step by step on how to do anything Fresh out of the box White L E D Light Blinking nothing said in set up about this they assume this device is trouble free and user friendly NOT!

@KenDots21 I don’t understand what it is you are trying to say or if you are asking for additional help. Did you look at the three previous WD Support links that deal with the Sonos and My Cloud and My Cloud Home devices? Did they help to solve what ever your issue is with your My Cloud and Sonos system? If not have you posted to the My Cloud Home subforum to ask users there for help?

It appears to stream music from a My Cloud Home to a Sonos system one uses the Sonos app on their mobile device to setup the connection between the two devices.


I don’t know how to present my issue bottom line is device not communicating with sonos or computer

Start with the basics. Ensure the My Cloud Home is connected to your local network router/wireless router. The same router the computers and mobile devices connect to on your local network.

My Cloud Home Quick Install Guide

My Cloud Home User Manual

Then ensure you have installed the proper apps for the My Cloud Home for your device.

On Windows PC’s one may have to enable SMB1.0 if it is not enabled and set the Network Profile to Private. Failure to set Network Profile to Private may cause Windows to not be able to access or see local area network devices like NAS devices or My Cloud Home devices.

How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10 and 11

Other troubleshooting steps is to check the local network setup. If using wireless extenders, mesh systems, power line adapters or similar devices one may have to check the administration configuration for those devices to see if they are using different IP addresses for devices connected to them versus the IP addresses used by devices connected to the main router/LAN. One may also have to temporarily disable any security software on their computer as a troubleshooting step. Sometimes that security software can block access to local area network devices like the My Cloud and My Cloud Home.

See the following WD Knowledgebase link for basic process for connecting a Sonos to a My Cloud Home using the Sonos mobile app.

3rd Party App: How to Use Sonos System with a My Cloud Home


Hello, i have a problem with the hdd plugged in the USB Port… I recently created a third partition in the disk and Mycloud continues to show only the first two partitions of the disk, i cannot manage to create the share with the third one… Any idea how to proceed?
Thanks in Advance!!

Make sure the third partition is formatted in a format that the My Cloud supports.

My Cloud: External USB Drive Supported File Systems

The OS3 v4.x and v2.x firmware My Cloud units tend to be picky about dealing with multiple partitions on external USB hard drives attached to the USB port on OS3 firmware My Clouds.

If running OS5 v5.x firmware on your My Cloud you may want to see (or move your post) to the proper OS5 subforum for your device where users more familiar with OS5 and your specific device may be able to assist.