USB Drive: Unsupported File System

Ironically, I attached a WD 3TB MyBook. File System: NTFS

I get two warnings…

  1. Unsupported File System

2. USB Device May Fail

I have attached the drive on my Win7 system and done a check of the drive. It comes back fine. I can see it on my PC. 

Any ideas?

Hi EphraimD, can you share a print screen of the error message? 

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There are the two messages I get when I attach the My Book 3TB drive… (I fuzzed out the serial number, of course). 

The drive works fine when attached to my PC, attached to my Windows Home Server. It’s just when attached to this drive that it doesn’t work. It’s formatted as NTFS.

I had the same problem when I plugged my WD MyBook in.  I just plugged in the external drive to my PC and did a quick format on it(NTFS), and then plugged it back into the MyCloud EX4 and the error never came up again.  Not sure if it was the preloaded WD software that was trying to autorun/install or not, but the problem is gone.

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