Uploading photos from iphone using WD photos

Hello, I just used Wd photos for first time. I clicked on the camera icon and selected all 1440 videos and photos on my iPhone cAmera roll. It was approximately 6gb. I did it overnight and after it finished I could not find a single photo. Where do the photos upload too when u use this function? Will uploading the movies work as well? Thanks in advance for help.

Assuming the same as the Android version it will only go to the public folder. can’t comment on the videos as I stopped doing this as soon as I found out it is only to public

in the mycloud app you can browse to a folder then select the 3 vertical dots item then upload and choose what to upload. not automated but you control where it goes

They go to 

Public / (Your device name ) / Camera Roll

for example, mine go to 

Public/Tony’s iPhone/Camera Roll/…

The “Camera Roll” part may change depending on the source you choose when you upload.


Thank u for the responses. I was thrown off by the fact that the photos aren’t arranged by date order. They appear to upload in a random order. Also, does not appear that the movies are viewable even though they appear to upload.