Auto Backup for Camera Roll, Auto Delete too?

Hopefully a quick question. I have a 2Tb Mycloud and am now doing the “AUTO BACKUP” from my iPhone 6 for my pictures. It is uploading just great! The question I have is if I delete a photo from my “Camera Roll” on my iPhone will it delete from the folder on the MyCloud where I auto backup to? I’m hoping not because it would be kind of nice to quickly free up space on my iPhone without jeopardizing any photos that have already uploaded.

No the file shouldn’t be deleted from the My Cloud. You can always do a test yourself by copying the picture to another location on the My Cloud then removing the file from the iPhone and see what happens when the WD app performs another iPhone pictures backup.

I guess I should have just taken the gamble from the beginning. :slight_smile: They seem to be staying on the MyCloud even though I have deleted it from the phone. Thanks!!!