Two red flashing lights

Hi All,

  So my wireless passport has been running fine since last year. Today I did a firmware update and now I get two flashing red lights from the power and wifi leds and t nothing I do sems to clear it. I tried the wifi/power 10 second hold which does nothing. I can access the drive via usb  but apart from that no access to dashboard wte as drive never gets o wfi mode.

any ideas?



Yeah. Read the User Manual, page 6.:

Blinking red with Power and Battery Status and Wi-Fi LEDs alternating

Drive has a problem. Contact WD Support.

Then backup all the data on the drive now, while you can.

At best you will need to contact WD support to see if there is anything you can do, other than get a warranty replacement.

At worst, if it is out of warranty, you have lost the drive.

But if it is out of warranty, and just the internal drive has failed, you could put a new drive into it. But it sounds like the firmware update failed.

You could try doing the firmware update again, using the SD card method. See the last method on this page:

That may successfully complete the update and get you workign again.

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I have the very same problem. WD support instructed by e-mail to reset the drive. But the directions given does not work. Any clue?


I had to send mine back to WD in the end. Apparently once you get two red flashing red lights is can't be fixed.  They sent a replacement.



i have the same issue my WIFI not turning on, but works in wired mode, please help… also how can i update latest firmware without WIFI mode.

You need the conplete user manual you can download from support. It tells you the proper way to reset MPW, then you need to set it up from beginning again. Also it tells you how to update FW using SD card, etc.