Two quick My Book Live Questions for WDBACG0030HCH

Hi, I’m thinking of buying the 3Tb My Book Live for use mainly as a Time Machine and have two very quick question.

1, Is this drive now fully supported by WD under OSX 10.9.1?

2, Can I put the Time Machine backup onto a secure area of the drive, the instructions say use account Guest but I’d like my Time Machine backup to be locked away from local use and easy access should my drive get stolen?

3, Is there any hardware level encryption on the drive?

Sorry that was three questions :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance, any help appreciated.

Hi iwaddo,

  1. The My Book Live is officially supported up to Mountain Lion (10.8). 

  2. Yes, you can create a private password protected folder to save Time Machine backups. 

  3. No, there is no hardware level encryption. 

Thank you for your help.

I am now thinking that the newer My Cloud would be a better option as it offers expansion possibilities. I think the answers to my questions are now

1, yes, supported under Mavericks
2, yes
3, no
