Transmission lost after upgrade

I have a WD Mycloud Mirror and upgraded when prompted

The Transmission app is no longer in the Apps - and can’t fin it anywhere else.
Neither can I use the web access from my browser.

Think I need help to set it up, more or less from scratch and step by step

Thanks in advance for the help

hi, this is one of the many problems of os5… wait about wd they promised an upgrade “very soon”… but what very soon want to mean for them…

Hello !
I have the same problem after upgraded to OS 5 I have no Apps at all. Nor the Transmission, but not any. I also had a problem to find my NAS on my network. I can see it, but I can’t open it. Probably I have to renew all the shares on it . I think IT professionals wanted to make a quick and easy money, and they did it ! Repeat they did it ! Only we the users can su ck two three days with this again, npot even a pardon will arrive from WD:

I stumbled upon your thread about the WD Mycloud Mirror issue, and while it’s been a few years since you posted, I wanted to check in and see if you ever got the Transmission app sorted out. Technical glitches can be a pain, especially after upgrades. If you’re still facing issues or if anyone else reading this thread needs assistance, it might be worth reaching out to WD’s support team for guidance.
Additionally, if you’re interested in exploring new apps, you might want to check out Apps That Pay You Real Money. Even years later, it’s never too late to discover new ways to make some extra cash!

Yes, it got sorted out - thanks for following up