While trying to get my drive to be located - when I press connect - then I try to connect as registered user, using “admin” no password - (yes I have reset my drive to reset the password), and I get the error message problem connecting to the server-check the server name or IP address
Time Machine is able to back-up as Guest.
I am on a macbook pro - Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7
This won’t act as a hard drive on your network to access files directly from it. Now I get to take this back, spend another $200 and upload all my files again, in order to access my work wirelessly, unless I want it to go through my app on the computer, which SIGNIFICANTLY slows it down. Awesome… good luck to anyone who had the original WDCloud like I did and was told by everyone that the MyCloud Home would work the same way.
Here’s my convo, after an hour today and an hour last night with the Live Chat.
after an hour with him…
John N: Yes, that is the only way to access it from the computer by login to WD Discovery.
C: I could aim my program at it last time and it would find it without having to go through my app on the computer
C: So if I return this MyCloud Home and buy the MyCloud, will I have access to it through my networK?
John N: Yes.
C: and not have to go through the app
C: seriously - that should have been told to me from the start. I have wasted so much work time and now I will have to reload everything.
C: I am extremely disappointed with the customer service and information that is out there. John N: I am just letting you know how the drive works and how to access data from the drive.
John N: We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
C: That would have been good to know an hour ago and last night