Storage Issues

Good morning, I have a WD MyCloud and it seems to be working OK except that it has reached its limit of 2Tb and will not synch any more. I am only synching to my laptop and I know that the data I have asked to link is less than 200 Gb. When I look at the devoice it seems to be only storing the data from my laptop and so I do not understand how the device is ‘full’. Is there a hidden cache of data on the device somewhere that I can delete? Thanks for your help.

If one is using WD Sync to sync their computer to the My Cloud one will find that running out of storage space on the My Cloud is a consistent complaint (use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right, to find past complaints on this issue). What may be happening is the WD Sync software will keep up to five versions of a change file. See the WD Sync Help for more information on the “Version History tab function”.

Some have resorted to using third party sync programs due to this and other issues with WD Sync. The downside to third party sync programs is the inability to sync to a remote My Cloud. Free File Sync ( and Microsoft Sync Toy ( are two such free third party sync programs for Windows other have turned to.
