Hello all!
I have got some MyCloud and MyCloud Mirror NAS drives that are 8-10 (?) years old, so probably generation 1 or 2. They have worked great with Sonos until recently, but now Sonos can’t access them.
I am being told in a Sonos forum, that Sonos now requires SMB3 (maybe SMB2 also works?), but my WD NAS are apparently using SMB1.
Is there a way to get my old WD MyCloud NAS to support SMB3…?
Hi @LarsRonning
Have you opened a support case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:
Yeah, my cloud mirrors initially ran on Linux software customized by WD and called “OS/3”.
A few years ago, they updated the software to “OS/5”. Among (many) other things. . .they added SMB2/3 support. You should be able to upgrade the device to OS/5 - - → but on the MyCloud Mirrors, the experience won’t be especially pleasant.
ESPECIALLY if you enable the cloud functions, which will start by doing an “indexing” step on the drives. Think of it as having your 85yr old grandfather run a marathon. It can be done. But might not be the best choice.
Considering the age of the Mirror; you might want to consider other options for a music server.
**Side note: OS/3 devices are ancient by Cyber security standards. You might want to block these devices from the internet (FROM THE ROUTER, NOT JUST THE DEVICE). If you block these devices, they will continue to work fine on your network as a backup device.