Solid Red Led Light?

We received what I’m assuming was a used 4TB MyCloud as a gift from a family member, (with no cords, which I’ve bought replacements for after researching which ones would work) unfortunately on my first attempt at plugging it in all that happens is it will come on with a white light, blink once, stay solid white for about 40 seconds then switch to a solid red light. I have checked the ethernet lights on the back and they are blinking, I believe indicating that the internet connection is fine. I don’t have it set up with the computer yet since it is telling me “Device Not Found”. Our wireless router is password protected, not sure if that is affecting it or how I would bypass that. Is the solid red light indicating a worse problem or were we just gifted a bad unit?

I have tried both the 4 second reset procedure and the 40 sec procedure. Still the red light stays on and nothing happens. It doesn’t appear to cycle a reboot or anything.

I’ve never had a MyCloud unit so this is all new to me! I tried using the support feature but it won’t recognize the serial number from the unit either. This gift is quickly turning into a headache! lol

Thank you for your help!

If this is a single bay My Cloud with a model number ending in .10. It is a gen2 My Cloud. The Gen2 My Cloud will show a red light when the network is not connected. You should be able to login to you router to see what is connected. The mac address is on the bottom of the My Cloud.
If you have a windows PC you could also type arp -a in a command window. It will list all of the devices that windows know about.

The model number ends in a 00, so I’m not sure what generation that would make it?

The gen1 ends in 00. Also the gen1 does not show a red light when the network is not connected.

Thank you!

gen1/V4 post OS3 user manual claims red led is used as an error indicator, like it is for gen2/v2 firmware…

Yes the red is an indication of a warning /error. I don’t know how to determine if it is a warning as apposed to an error.
But the following warnings set the led to red.

The following errors set the led red.
No description of what these errors mean.

I’m wondering if they dropped it or something before they gave it to us… I’m getting the feeling that it may be a lost cause. At least the only money I’m out was for the cords!

do you have access to a linux box. It may be worth it to connect the disk and check it out.

No I don’t unfortunately.