Flashing RED light on MyCloud,

Hi all, new here. I have had mycloud 8TB for about 2 years now. Has been working great, until the other day when I received a new router. I have checked the router, and yes it is on and working full duplex @ 1000bps. The Router shows LED and the MyCloud LAN lights show flashing green and yellow connectivity.

Here is my question, how do you determine the warranty for the unit? Is there a label or something to show when the warranty expires? I know it is 2 years, but I forgot when I got the unit. It has only 3% data on the drive, but important stuff.

Second question. Is there any other way to get back on? I tried the 4 second reset and nothing happened. LED still showed flashing red, no reset. I even tried the 40 second and still nothing. I even tried to connect directly to the laptop via LAN and nothing. I wonder if I try an older router without internet to see if it will connect, just to talk to unit. Any suggestions?

You can check the warranty here. https://support.wdc.com/warranty/warrantystatus.aspx

Have you tried reverting to your old router? If the problem is caused by changing router, it’s a good sign that the fault is with the new router, one of its ports, or the cable connection. Or it’s a networking problem.

Can you access the new router and see what IP address it has allocated to the MyCloud? Can you access using that IP address.

Are you trying to access locally or remotely?

The Gen2 My Cloud displays a red light when the network is not working.