Shares not visible after firmware update

Yesterday, I updated my MyCloud’s firmware from to 4.05.00-320. The update process seemed to go OK, but it appeared to restore MyCloud to factory settings. No problem, I had saved a config file before updating, and loaded the config file after updating.

But now I cannot access any of MyCloud’s shares from my Windows 7 computers. I had one Public share and two private shares. Viewed from my home network, MyCloud appears empty. But looking at the Home page of MyCloud’s web GUI, it shows 0 KB free. So I guess not all went well with the firmware update.

MyCloud is not bricked, it’s running. I can SSH to it and use LS to see my shares and the files within. But when I try to mount the shares using NET USE from my PC’s command line, I get “System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found.”

I would certainly appreciate some help getting MyCloud working properly again.

I can also FTP from my Windows 7 PC to MyCloud. But I can’t seem to get any files transferred. I am very rusty with FTP. What is the command to recursively retrieve an entire directory tree? MGET doesn’t seem to work for me.