I purchased a second WDmycloud device to act as a safepoint backup for my first one. I managed to set it all up yesterday and left it to it overnight to continue performing the backup. There’s just under 1tb of data that needs to be backed up so it’ll take a while to do this over the network.
However, at some point this morning (14%) of the way through, it stopped the backup and returned this error message:
“There was an error updating your safepoint backup on the Backup share on WDMYCLOUDBACKUP.” code 1102
I’ve searched the community and web to see how to resolve this issue but can’t find anything. It looks like the new box is using 2.0 firmware whereas the original is using 0.4, but I don’t know if that would have an impact.
My v4.x first gen My Cloud throws that error every now and then when performing a Safepoint backup to a USB hard drive attached to the My Cloud. In my case I manually run the Safepoint again and it seems to clear the error (most of the time).
Also check the My Cloud Dashboard notification icon () if you haven’t already to see what if any message about the Safepoint is indicated or displayed there.
Couple of suggestions. First, as a troubleshooting step, would be to disable Sleep in the Dashboard Settings if you have it enabled to rule out the possiblity of the My Clouds (somehow) going to sleep interrupting the Safepoint backup. Second would be to run a Safepoint backup to a USB drive, if you have one large enough to hold the backup, attached to the My Cloud to see if the error persists. If so perhaps there is a problem with one or more files on the v4.x My Cloud.
The following WD Support document appears to indicate that a v2.x single bay My Cloud can be used as a Safepoint target.
Thanks all. I’ve tried again, but no success and it seems like it’s maxing my primary MyCloud out as it switches off access to the files too.
I’ll try again over the weekend and try and do a usb to usb approach for the first major backup to see if that helps at all…
If you have a PC connected to your network, and you are prepared to use that instead of the built-in backup utility, then you could use one of many third-party, free backup tools. I, and many others, use FreeFileSync, which is more configurable than Safepoint, and can be made to do simple mirror backup, commanded sync, or real-time sync.
The disadvantage is that it does require the PC to be running, whereas Safepoint is a standalone utility on the MyCloud. Incidentally, the ‘Backup’ function on your new Gen2 MyCloud isn’t as good as the Safepoint on the Gen1. See Bennor’s comments here, in particular the comment about the removal of a scheduling option:
I’m having the same problem. I have a 2TB, 4TB trying to do safepoint Sks from both to a third MyCloud,a 6TB. I keep getting the same error 1102 as mentioned in previous threads and when I go back to try again it’s got that “invalid state” message. It makes me uneasy due to the corrupt 2TB MyCloud that I had lock up on me a couple years ago (while I was attempting a quick scan of the drive ). WD was able to restore my data but I’ve been trying to get the safepoint store work properly ever since. One problem I did encounter was trying to back up my data into a time machine “user file” rather than a user section in the 6TB that was created just for my data. Once I selected a different location for the safepoint, I was able to get one good safepoint. Not very encouraging I’d say. Wonder how to get the failed state to correct itself. Any other folks with this issue? My drives are currently powered off since I changed routers today, so I havent got the firmware info,however, the firmware is upto date since I always slow it to update automatically.