Restore 6TB need help!

Hello Guys,
i have an MyCloud 6TB Vers. 1 (WDBCTL0060HWT-00)

The Problem is, the Cloud’s LED lighted white. I have open the device and check the hard drive direct on PC. The Partitions are wracked. How can I format the hard drive and how can i install the new Partitions? I Hope You understand me why my Englisch is not so good.

greetz Benny

What do you mean the partitions are “wracked”? The My Cloud is formated for Linux. To view the data on the partitions one has to either use a Linux distro or have the proper driver’s installed if using Windows 10. The following post/discussion deals with trying to see the contents of a My Cloud hard drive attached to a Windows PC.

If one wants to “unbrick” their My Cloud there are many past discussions on how to unbrick a My Cloud. Note that many unbricking procedures will erase all user data on the My Cloud.

What other troubleshooting steps have you tried? Has anything changed on your local network? Are you using a new broadband provider? Certain routers have a specific issue with the My Cloud, see the following WD Knowledgebase article that explains that particular issue.

Sorry my English is so bad.
in the picture you see the acutal Partitons from the hard Drive. I have the 6TB WD Red install on a SATA to USB Adapter and read the Partitions with EaseUS Partition Master 13.0.

with the EaseUS Data Recovery i have save my Pictures from the Partiton Ext4.

I must Delete the Hard Drive and Restore it. But i have no BackUp from the Stock Hard Drive.

I need to install the Harddrive over Linux completely new. but i found in the internet the 2/3/ and 4TB IMG. But i need the 6TB.img for restore the Hard Drive. And i Need a tutorial how commands i to do in the Linux Terminal.

i hope you understand me

These number look correct. Below is my disk partitions on my Gen1 My Cloud 6TB system.
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
3 15.7MB 528MB 513MB linux-swap(v1) primary
1 528MB 2576MB 2048MB ext3 primary raid
2 2576MB 4624MB 2048MB ext3 primary raid
5 4624MB 4724MB 99.6MB primary
6 4724MB 4824MB 101MB primary
7 4824MB 4826MB 1049kB primary
8 4826MB 4828MB 2097kB primary
4 4828MB 6001GB 5996GB ext4 primary

Ok, you mean the partitions all correct? on 6 partitions they are stand not formated. what can i do? i muss format the hard disk or not? what is the next step?

Only partitions 1 & 2 are formated ext3. Not sure what the next step would be. If you could mount partition 1 you may be able to check the logs. I think the white light means that the disk is being fsck’d. some things you could try.
pinging the My Cloud. If it responds that means the OS is functioning. Try entering the dashboard. You can also search this forum for white light.
You could try the 40 second reboot.
PS I did notice that the 5.45TB partition is not formatted. That is be a problem.
If you don’t have any data that you want to save you can use any of the unbrick procedures found in this forum.

okay you mean I should format the large partition times on NTFS or FAT32? Do you mean then if I do this the my cloud should work? What is the 40sec reboot? Yes i found the guide but i dont underdtand all states. I dont know which Firmware. The Image from 6tb und root i have downloaded

No you can’t format the large partition as ntfs. It has to be ext4. Formating the large partition as ext4 does not mean that the My Cloud will work. The 40 second reset is done by pressing and holding the reset button for 40 seconds while you apply power to the My Cloud. The Gen1 My Clouds use firmware 4.xx.xx.xx

Ok tomorrow i testing the 40sec redet. What i to Do in the unbricked tutorial. The complete tutorial?

If you are not using a Linux OS or do not have the proper drivers on Windows OS to access the My Cloud hard drive, one will have trouble being able to view the My Cloud hard drive partitions. Those partitions may show up as not formatted when in fact they are formatted for either EXT3 for EXT4.

If you can, create a Linux boot disk/USB drive and boot your computer with it. It should then allow you to access the My Cloud hard drive partitions. Ubuntu is one such popular Linux distro.

As previously indicated, if using Windows you must use a third party driver in order to be able to gain read/write capability to Linux formatted partitions that are used on the My Cloud.

I User gparted and See all my data. In the Screenshot you the more. I think the Hard drive is working or what you saß?

You can pull/copy your user data/files off of partition SDC4 to another drive using Linux if you need to save your files/data.

Because you have a first gen you may want to try using Fox_exe’s unbricking process for the first gen single bay My Cloud.

You could try starting at step 9 of those directions to download an earlier firmware and push the IMG files to the various partitions indicated to see if it fixes the boot problem. Or if you start from scratch at step 1 it will remove all data on the hard drive as you configure it for My Cloud use.

One only needs to use one of the two original firmware files listed in those directions. They can be downloaded from the following directory as I think the link locations in the directions may be wrong/old.

Thank you for your help. I will tested tomorrow. Today i call the WD Support, They give me an software. They work to 10 hours and repair, clean and repartition the Hard disk drive. after this i make an 40sec reset and the mycloud do there work. this say the call center boy.

after 2 days is the software test complete and no problems. I make an 40sec reset and the mycloud is working. WOOOOW for 12 hours. Now ist the Light white and i cant see the mycloud over IP, Dashboard or LAN in Fritzbox UI. What can i do? a 40sec reset doesnt work.

HI, I am facing the same issue! what is this (were can I dowload) sofware that you used to recover your data? thank you
