Replacement MyMirror Gen2 against EX2

Hello, WD replaced my Cloud Mirror Gen2 against a Ex2. What are the differences, CPU, RAM etc?

What did they send you?

An My Cloud EX2.

If it is the EX2 & not the EX2 Ultra then it is last gen. The EX2 has a single core processor & 512MB of memory. The My Cloud Mirror Gen2 has a dual core processor & 512MB of memory. The EX2 Ultra has a dual core processor & 1GB of memory.

If they sent you a EX2 (not the ultra) as a replacement for a My Cloud Mirror Gen2, I would call support & have them send you something better. The EX2 is a step backwards from the My Cloud Mirror Gen2.

Yes, that’s it. Thank you.
I will return it.
Another difference is, that the Ex2 has WD Red harddisks, but are they really better than normal drives?

The Mirror comes with Red hard drives too. They are for raid setups.

Here’s an informative review of the My Cloud Mirror Gen2.

Thank you! I already RMAed it.
Regards :slight_smile: