Red Drives vs NAS Drives

I’m looking into buying MyCloud EX2 and the options are Red Drives or NAS Drives. I’m a bit confused of the difference. Can anyone lend a hand?

Hi chrishburton and welcome.

“WD Red Drives” are NAS drives. They are built to work in NAS units, like WD EX2.

All NAS HD drives (like the RED, but also other ) have some special functions to save energy (sleep functions), to work H24/day, and many more that are not always present in other HDs.

So, they are the best choice for NAS units, but you can use also other kind of HD (like WD Green). Using higher speed HDs (10.000rpm) is NOT suggested to avoid high temperature issues.

And, by the way, you will not have any improvements, due LAN speed interface limitations of NAS.

Hope this can help.


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