Recycle Bin where to find it and how to locate deleted files

Seriously, I ve read most of threads regarding Recycle Bin and cant seem to get it work.
3 days ago I bought Mycloud Mirror 8TB and I have Win7 computer.
Trying to set this the last 3 days is extremely frustrating and it is only thanks to you here in this community that I was able to get things set-up on this things as the manual litterally ■■■■ big time. Shame on you WD
In my case I can see the Recycle bin in under “computer” on my Win7 laptop after mapping it, as well I can see the recycle bin when opened through WD access software installed on computer
(WD Access>>>WDMycloudmirror>>>Open).
Never the less it does not show any deleted items. It doesnt matter if I deleted through Mycloud app on Ipad or on a browser from a computer.
Anyone here that knows step by step details on how to get this working, I am kind of giving up and most probably if no success this dark cloud is going back to the retailer.
Many thanks again.


Dumb question, maybe, but did you enable recycle bin for the share?
And are you connecting via windows?

Yes , recycle bin under every Share Profile is switched to on. It doesnt matter from what Share I delete the pictures it still does not show the deleted items.
I do use Window7

Well, I don’t have the same My Cloud you have, nevertheless, this is what I do:

I look in Network of File Explorer, go into NAS Public folder, look in Recycle Bin of NAS, when a file is marked for deletion elsewhere, it’s parent folder is there and file is in there. I just delete all parent folders and the recycle bin is emptied. I actually keep an empty folder in the recycle bin in it named DO NOT DELETE to be a “marker” so that recycle bin is never completely “empty” which makes it easier for me to know I got rid of everything.

I never use the Empty Recycle Bin command/button. I always use File Explorer access.

I am sorry mate, I am not soooo familiar with computers but if you guide me a bit more detailed it would be more appreciated. I did not really follow you what you mean exactly. If I open the NAS ( I guess you mean MYCLOUDMirror) through WD software that I installed. it will show all folders inside together with the Public folder. If I open public folder there is no Recycle Bin visible in there, though recycle bin option is selected under Public share. As well I cant open the other folders as it require a password to Network and I dont know what password it means! The only folders I can open without passwords is the “Public” folder and the “Recycle Bin-Volume1”. Recycle bin always empty doesnt matter what I delete and from where (Ipad or Window computer).

I will suggest:

You refer to your complete user manual for your unit. If you don’t have it you can download it from WD Support.

The user name and password is likely the ones you set up in you MCM to administer your device.

Contact WD Support for other questions if you cannot find answers for.

Thanks Mike, we both knows how useless is their user manual and I wouldnt ask anything here if I wouldnt have read every single thing regarding this issue. Anyway I gave it a try , and it s not worth the money, or the hassle. It s going back. When they create a user friendly NAS I will sincerly think about buying one again.

  1. Did you try the user name/passwprd I suggested?

  2. Maybe you did not set up the recycle bin correctly. Here is what another suer said of how to do this:

Go into the Dashboard and:\ go to Shares . . .

Shares: Pick a share to add a Recycle Bin to:
Under Share Profile: Active share: Recycle Bin ON.

Now under your Network Places the Recycle Bin should show up.

However, deleted files were not going to the Recycle Bin.

I rebooted the EX2100 and now deleted files show up in the Recycle Bin.

All users and passwords that I created are written here on a piece of paper with me. I ve tried them all with all kind of combinations without success. It would not let me enter the folders that representing the “Shares/Users” that I created in the Dashboard. I ve rebooted the device several time hoping that this time I will be surprised with a fix, but still no-go. What I realized is that if I select a share and change "Public " setting to “On” under “Share profile” I can instantly enter the folders that are on the laptop without password.
However still when deleting a pic from Ipad for example it will not be moved to recycle bin, only if I delete a pic from the share using access through laptop “Network” window.
One more thing that I was hoping to get clarified, in the manual it says: “Enable Recycle Bin (optional) The Recycle Bin contains any files deleted from the My Cloud Mirror device. If you’d like to use the Recycle Bin, click the toggle button to ON. (The Default is OFF.)
Note: The Recycle Bin is only available for Windows
SMB files.” What does the Note really means? that the recycle Bin is only available in Window and not on the mirror cloud App?

I am a user like you, at this point you should contact WD Support

Got it.
Thanks for your help

I recently installed a Mycloud Mirror Gen 2 4TB for a client and everything went smooth as silk except for the Recycle Bin functionality - it is not working. Recycle Bin is turned on for all shares and the client’s Windows 10 desktops (on local network) can access the server Recycle Bin share (using Windows File Explorer) but it is always empty. The symptom – when a user deletes a file on the server from their computer on the local office network or when remotely accessing the server via they are offered one DELETE option - Permanently delete this file from your device, click OK or CANCEL. Recycling doesn’t appear as an option.
Does anyone have any ideas?

As far as I have seen, there is no Recycling option, only delete. Items need to be deleted twice. From the original folder, then from the Recycle bin (item can be “recycled” this time, or actually permanently deleted.

Do a little practice so you get the way it works.

I think the bin only works if you actually delete stuff on the device itself, for example via the dashboard file manager. It’s usage when deleting over SMB or suchlike is I think not guaranteed, as that’s where the recycle bin on the local machine may come in.

If you are unable without success to log into the Recycle Bin on the NAS drive which is already Mapped via File Explorer, AND, you get a User Name and Password Prompt, AND you can access your other shares via File Explorer, here was the solution I finally figured out after 2 hours:

  1. To Map the Recycle Bin, right click on This PC or My Computer icon and choose Map Network Drive, choose the drop down list . The Recycle Bin was right there, select the mapping already in place, (if its not, log in to your NAS drive and be sure under Shares its “on”. Using an IP wasn’t necessary, however…I have 3 admin accounts within the NAS drive. All 3 admin accounts including the default admin had read/write access. The Recycle Bin was “On” in my case as in General |Settings, all Admins had Read/Write access to all folders…All looked great however I was rejected via the User Name and Password prompt. I tried all 3 admin accounts including putting the drive name such as NAS-16TB\admin as the user name, much like you would with a domain, still no success. I thought to log out of the web user interface, no luck. Tried for 2 hours. Here’s what worked but its not a favorable ending: In Settings|General, I Cleared the Recycle Bin…bye bye data. Next I went to every admin account, toggled OFF the recycle bin, then toggled ON the recycle bin. Remapped drive as above…Presto! I got in to the Recycle Bin instantly. Nothing else worked including attempting to copy the Permissions from the properly two mapped drives. You simply right click on another Share via File Explorer, choose Properties, choose the Security Tab…then you can see the Permissions to your shared drives. Ideally this will be the same to your Recycle Folder…

Old thread I know, but looks seemingly relevant (ie it’s helped me already). I’m trying to find out how much space my WD Cloud recycle bin takes. In Windows 10 explorer on the “Network/MyCloud/” recycle bin share, only zero is reported in the properties - as it is for all shares. I can see, in properties, the size of each folder in the bin, or individual file, but I was hoping for some way of seeing the total space used. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for the help.

I am not too familiar with computers but if you guide me a bit more detail it would be more appreciated. I did not really follow what you mean exactly. If I open the NAS ( I guess you mean Ghaziabad Services(MYCLOUDMirror) through the WD software that I installed. it will show all folders inside together with the Public folder. If I open the public folder there is no Recycle Bin visible in there, though recycle bin option is selected under Public share. As well I cant open the other folders as it requires a password to Network and I don’t know what password it means! The only folders I can open without passwords is the “Ghaziabad Service” folder and the “Recycle Bin-Volume1”.
