Recover files

I recently had my files wiped from my hard drive by malware. When I hooked up my computer to my network My Cloud then wiped it’s files to match the hard drive. Is there a way to retrieve the lost files. I did not have a safe point or a backup point as I didn’t know to do it. Any help is appreciated.

As indicated in your other thread you need to provide more information. What did you wipe? The My Cloud or the computer? If you factory reset using the My Cloud Dashboard the My Cloud then the data was erased. One would have to use recovery software to try and get the files back if they didn’t have a Safepoint / Backup of the My Cloud to another device.

If you wiped your computer then did you backup the computer to the My Cloud prior to wiping it? If so what program did you use? Where did you save it on the My Cloud?

The computer hard drive was wiped not the My Cloud. It was hooked up to WD Sync and when I finally downloaded WD Smartware to see what was on the Cloud, it matched the hard drive. I may be mistaken that the Cloud is changed but it looked like it to me.

Use Windows File Explorer to view the contents of the My Cloud device if you haven’t done so already.

WD Sync is not a backup program rather a sync program. One that has a number of issues and problems. So long as you didn’t reinstall WD Sync on the computer that was wiped you should be able to access the synced files on the My Cloud and should be able to use Windows File Explorer to copy those files back. If you reinstall WD Sync it may have problems if you attempt to have it sync to the same location as the prior computer was syncing to.

If you previously used Smartware to backup the computer you should be able to recover files back to that wiped computer by reinstalling Smartware and telling it to recover the backed up files. See the Smartware Help or User Manual ( for more information on how to recover backed up content.

Smartware was never installed before failure. I couldn’t seem to get file explorer to recognize the drive to see the files. I did get it to do it once but it only showed one page, i.e. the “a” files until it got to the bottom of the page, then no way to continue to the next files

Just in case you ran into the issue of Microsoft disabling SMB1.0 which makes accessing the My Cloud somewhat difficult. There is a WD Support doc on how to reenable SMB1.0 on Windows 10.

Tried the suggestion but still doesn’t show up on File Explorer. I have retrieved a few files but no where near whats on the drive. It has 2.5TB of files but I can’t access them.