HELP! i lost all my files in my personal folder - not sure what happened. I tried to get them back as per instructions but, apparently, nothing has been backed up and nothing was saved to another device with WD Sync. I think they’re gone for good but maybe I haven’t looked somewhere?
More information is needed. What My Cloud model do you have? What “instructions” have you tried. Have you accessed the My Cloud and looked for the files using Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder? Have you tried enabling SSH through the My Cloud Dashboard then using SSH to search the My Cloud Share section for the missing files? Have you used any other backup program or software to backup files/data to the My Cloud? Haven you been running a Safepoint/Backup from the My Cloud to an attached USB hard drive?
If you were using WD Sync you may be able to recover deleted files that were synced using WD Sync. See the embedded help within WD Sync for more information on how to try and recover deleted files that were previously synced using WD Sync.
I have My Cloud Personal Cloud Storage. I followed instructions in “Help” and in the manual for retrieving files. My My Cloud Share section still contains the folder that had all the files in it, but the folder is empty. I didn’t realize that I wasn’t backing up files - I thought I organized that when I first set everything up.
I’ll try the WD Sync thing but I think I already did that.
I do recall that when I was working with My Cloud this morning a message appeared that said it was reset to factory settings. I checked a few folders and files were there so I just ignored the message. It’s just this one folder that’s missing everything.